Friday, September 17, 2010

What Happens during a Power-Surge of your Desktop PC?

Because a long time ago my PC go through a power surge and Erased all of my facts -EVERYTHING- all of my Documents , everything. years of Data. and after adjectives I was merely able to get better a Fraction of Pictures. But I want to know why did that happen? what go on when your PC goes through a Pwer Surge? do you know anything on how to fix a MotherBoard Power Shorttage because of It?

What Happens during a Power-Surge of your Desktop PC?

during a power surge the system components are subjected to more power than they be designed to withstand. think of a dampen main, what would surface if suddenly an extra 10000 gallons of water be pushed through suddenly when it was already at max dimensions. thats a very nonspecific description, but you get the model.

most components just die out. literally, they died, too much power, cause it to short, it fried itself. once this happens you cannot reverse the mar.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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